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Access Consciousness The Bars

​​​​Access Consciousness - The Bars One Day Workshop

SUNDAY November 26th, 2017
​9.00am - 5.30pm, Universal Qi


Investment: $300.00
Repeat: $150.00
​Includes: Manual and Access Consciousness pragmatic tools for change and creation. 

​Learn to be a practitioner with this one day workshop.

Or Book an Access Bars Session Here

What are Access “Bars”?

“The Bars” are the foundation of Access and were the first tool developed by Gary Douglas over 20 years ago. The purpose of Access Bars is to teach people that they can actually receive. The act of receiving is not commonly accepted on this planet. Doing, doing, doing, in order to make sure you don’t have to receive, is the accepted mode of behavior on this planet. This has to change. You have to be willing to receive.

There are 32 bars of energy that run through and around your head. They store the electromagnetic component of all the thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions and beliefs that you have ever had about anything. There are bars for Healing, Body, Control, Awareness, Creativity, Power, Aging, Sex and Money just to name a few. Each thought, idea, attitude, decision or belief that you have fixed in place solidifies the energy and limits your capacity to have that area of your life show up as great, easy and joyful as it really could be.

Touch one Bar and you begin to clear away the energy locked up in that area or aspect of your life. Add in touching another Bar and you not only get the “issues” from the first Bar, you also begin clearing the “issues” stored in that second Bar. As well you clear all the points of view about those two Bars in relation to each other, allowing for exponential change.

By gently touching these points on the head, the energy and barriers dissipate and the electromagnetic charge is released. Releasing stuck energy is like deleting old files off your computer… five minutes can erase years of stored points of view. You have more space to create something new and wonderful with more up to date tools!

Have you ever tried to talk to someone who has their mind made up about something? Is it like trying to get through a brick wall? That’s because it IS a wall; an energetic wall. Every time you take a point of view, you create another wall. For example, if you say, “I’m never doing that again!” That decision stops the energy and limits what you can receive. Does a decision like that create more choice in your life or less? Would it create an impact on your body? Fortunately, this can be changed easily and quickly.